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1st May, 2017

Significance of May Day celebration

1st May is considered as a labor day by all the countries of the world. The day is symbolized as a revolutionary movement that is created by the workers association from different organizations around the whole world. It is a kind of revolution that denotes workers’ social and economic achievement. Basically the day is known as May day and unlikely this name, it has many other names like national unification day, worker’s day, day of Kazak people’s unity etc. May Day is declared as an international holiday among different nations and this symbolical holiday is celebrated by the people in different ways.

Turnstone Global celebrates the day by remembering the workers’ contribution and their revolution to bring the unity in workplace. In the past days, Labor class people were tortured extremely by their managers and sometimes they were killed while working being incapable to take the excessive work pressure. Working continuously 12 hours in a workplace means working beyond the limit of physical ability. So, the labor workers started to revolt against working twelve hours and instead of 12hours, 8 hours of working had been decided. The revolution takes place with 8 hours of rest, 8 hours of work and 8 hours of recreation. Turnstone dedicates a tribute to those workers on this significant day and reminds us about their remarkable journey that is happened to give the right of full freedom of working to each human being.

It is a venture to give each worker full right of working in the workplace. The eight-hour working day movement deals with lots of significances and as an international holiday, it is considered as the multi-day celebrations in various countries. Some of the countries celebrate the day with labor oriented events and shows. Germany celebrates the May Day on May 2. Although May Day has many names but the essence and significance of the day is almost same. With the change of time, the way of celebration has been changed too. The marches and rallies take place in various parts of different countries. Labor Day is celebrated in America as a symbolic end of summer. The holiday is regarded to exhibit the strength of trade and labor organizations. One can find distinctive interpretations from May Day celebration as the theme of celebration denotes the rejuvenation of life with new hope, new resolution and new dream.




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