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26th July, 2017

LEXAIR: Text scanning system for visually disabled, initiative by TURNSTONE GLOBAL

Technology is improving day by day and many of the innovations are being planned for various segments of people. Many of the innovations are also invented for people with various ailments. Like the LEXAIR a concept text scanning device for the visually impaired.

Today Turnstone Global has inaugurated the scanner machine named ‘LEXAIR’ scanner system for the visually impaired people. This program is held at Calcutta university braille library. This system is gifted by Rotary Club of cosmopolitan.Braille education is required for visually impaired people and there are numbers of braille schools in Kolkata to provide them educational support.

A person who reads braille can roam independently among the community as braille increasingly is showing up everywhere. With the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities implemented in 2008, since then over 150 countries have signed the ratification. The declaration has introduced the recognition of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others worldwide. Additionally, society is beginning to recognize the need to present equality for all citizens within its communities. Therefore public spaces continue to present tools and aids for all disabilities.Braille is used in everyday communication and as a literate blind or visually impaired individual, independence is given.Blind individuals deserve this chance at equality, and this is something that braille provides.To read without braille, a person who is blind is entirely dependent on computers with voice synthesizers or audio recording, neither of which is useful in every circumstance.

Education makes people self-dependent. Braille education gradually becomes a necessity for the blind people in India. Beside the formation of schools, Braille library establishment has also become a fundamental step to facilitate visually impaired people with proper education. Braille library helps them to continue their higher education. It acts like an inspiration for the visually disabled people so that they can make their future. Turnstone Global creates a revolution with the concept of Braille library as well as education.

“Education must aim at giving the blind child a knowledge of the realities around him, the confidence to cope with these realities, and the feeling that he is recognized and accepted as an individual in his own right.” – Berthold Lowenfeld( Education of the visually impaired  book)

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