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21st June, 2018

International Yoga Day 2018

Although researchers aren’t totally certain when Yoga was born, we know that the first written documents (more like inscriptions on palm leaves), date back to about 5,000 years ago in Northern India. These texts were part of a greater book called the Rig Veda, which contained songs, mantras, and rituals practiced by the Brahmans (priests). Over the centuries, Yoga developed from a collection of ideas that could be practiced to achieve enlightenment into physical actions that could be practiced to achieve enlightenment. In the early 1900s, yoga masters started bringing their practice to the West, opening the first Yoga studio in Hollywood in 1947.

Today, Yoga has reached a mainstream presence. It is such an integral part of our culture that pants are made just for the practice, and yoga terms, like karma and Namaste, are used on the regular. All different types of people practice all different types of Yoga. Some focus more on the breath, while others focus more on the mechanics of movement.

Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi proposed the idea of International yoga day during the speech at UNGA. The logo of YOGA day shows harmony and peace for Humanity which shows the nature of YOGA.

YOGA day is a worldwide event and it is celebrated through all the countries by practicing YOGA, meditation, debate and variety of cultural performance.

Let’s talk about the benefits of YOGA-

1.By doing YOGA daily we can enhance body, focus and can increase your memory and productivity.
2.YOGA can relieve your muscle pain and helps to improve your overall health.
3.It helps to strengthen your body and stabilize your spine which can relieve your back pain, stress, and tension.
4.It stabilizes your mind body and soul and fulfills it by peace and joy.

As we know that YOGA is very beneficial for health if it is practiced by all daily in the early morning. So let’s start doing YOGA from this YOGA DAY!!

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